Depression, otherwise known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression, is a common and serious mood disorder.
You may experience persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness and you may also present with a physical symptom such as chronic pain or digestive issues.
How can depression manifest in south Asian individuals?Download
Culture, relativism and the expression of mental distress: South Asian women in Britain By Steve Fenton, Azra Sadiq-Sangster
Comparison of symptomatology of depression between between India and USA By Derasari, S., & Shah, V. D.
Cultural Differences in the Experience of Everyday Symptoms: A Comparative Study of South Asian and European American Women By Karasz, A., Dempsey, K. & Fallek, R.
There is a conceptual gap between the dominant western psychiatric models of mental disorders and conceptual models of distress within the South Asian community.
Why are we failing to diagnose depression in the south Asian community effectively?Download
How do people of South Asian origin understand and experience depression? A protocol for a systematic review of qualitative literature By Mooney R, Trivedi D, Sharma S
Depression in South Asian Women Living in the UK: A Review of the Literature with Implications for Service Provision By Hussain F, Cochrane R.
The burden of depressive disorders in South Asia, 1990–2016: findings from the global burden of disease study By Ogbo, F.A., Mathsyaraja, S., Koti, R.K. et al.
Assessing the Prevalence of Depression in Punjabi and English Primary Care Attenders: The Role of Culture, Physical Illness and Somatic Symptoms By Bhui K, Bhugra D, Goldberg D, Sauer J, Tylee A.