Schizophrenia is defined as a psychotic disorder characterised by disturbances in thinking (cognition), emotional responsiveness, and behavior, schizophrenia falls under the DSM chapter for Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders Class.

Hallucination content is heavily influenced by culture, so south Asian populations may experience schizophrenia differently to other groups.

Schizophrenia in south Asian individuals

How can schizophrenia manifest in south Asian individualsDownload

Cross-Cultural Variance of Schizophrenia in Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment By Anwesha Banerjee

Differences in voice-hearing experiences of people with psychosis in the USA, India and Ghana: Interview-based study By Luhrmann, T., Padmavati, R., Tharoor, H., & Osei, A

There is a conceptual gap between the dominant western psychiatric models of mental disorders and conceptual models of distress within the South Asian community.

What are the cross cultural differences in schizophrenia which affect south Asians?Download